IGNOU MLIS Solved Assignment July 2023 and January 2024 Sessions
MLI-101: Information, Communication and Society
Tutor Marked Assignment
Course Code: MLI-101
Coverage: Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.2023-Jan.2024
Units: 1-16 Total Marks: 50
Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1.1 Explain the modes of formation of subjects as given by Ranganathan and
extended by Neelameghan.
1.2 Define ‘information’. Discuss its types.
2.1 Explain the salient features of information economy. (10)
2.2 Define ‘information diffusion’. Discuss the factors affecting information
3.1 Define and explain the term ‘communication’. Enumerate the types of
communication and describe each type.
3.2 Explain the concept of Global Information Infrastructure (GII) in the context
of information society and describe the layered architecture of GII.
4.1 What is ‘knowledge management’? Explain knowledge management systems. (10)
4.2 Discuss the impact of information society on the information profession.
5.1 Write short notes on any two of the following:
a)Types of Data in Social Sciences
b)Barriers to information
c)Information Policy
d)Text Mining
MLII-101: Information Sources, Systems and Services
Tutor Marked Assignment
Course Code: MLII-101
Coverage: Assignment Code: AST/TMT/ Jul. 2023/Jan.2024
Units: 1-19 Total Marks: 50
Answer all questions.
1.1 Discuss the role of NISCAIR (Now NIScPR) in providing information services to users. (10)
1.2 What do you understand by information intermediaries? Enumerate their different types and
briefly describe the functions of each type.
2.1 Differentiate between reviews, state-of-the-art reports and trend reports. Explain Its benefits
as information consolidation products.
2.2 Enumerate various categories of information professionals. Discuss activities of any three
of them.
3.1 Discuss the objectives, organisational structure, activities of UNESCO concering
information organisations.
3.2 Discuss the various components of planning for designing an information system. (10)
4.1 What are the sources of information? Describe in detail various types of information
sources with examples
4.2 What do you understand by a technical enquiry? How it differs from general inquiry? (10)
5.0 Write short notes on any two of the following: (10)
a. Institute for Scientific Information (lSI)
b. International Council for Science (ICSU)
c. Document Delivery Service (DDS)
MLI- 102: Management of Library and Information Centres
Tutor Marked Assignment
Course Code: MLI-102
Coverage: Assignment Code: AST/TMA/ Jul .2023- Jan. 2024
Units: 1-18 Total Marks: 50
Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1.1 What do you understand by library management? Explain the principles of
scientific management.
1.2 Explain the Change Management process and discuss the different models of
2.1 What do you understand by “Management by Objectives (MBO)”? Explain its role
as a monitoring and controlling technique.
2.2 What is work analysis? How does it help in effective management of libraries? (10)
3.1 Explain the content theories of motivation with reference to organisation
3.2 Discuss in brief different methods of financial estimation. Explain which method is
most appropriate for academic libraries.
4.1 Describe different approaches of Cost Analysis. Differentiate Cost Effective
Analysis from Cost Benefit Analysis.
4.2 What do you understand by marketing approach? Discuss in brief the 4 Ps of
5.0 Write short notes on any two of the following: (10)
a) Time and Motion Study
b) MIS
c) Budget justification
d) Market segmentation
MLII-102: Information Processing and Retrieval
Tutor Marked Assignmen
Course Code: MLII-102
Coverage: Assignment Code: AST/SEM/ Jul.2023- Jan.2024
Units: 1-19 Total Marks: 50
Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1.1 Explain the concept of vocabulary control. Differentiate between controlled and
natural language indexing.
1.2 Discuss the functions and structure of Sears List of Subject Headings giving suitable
2.1 Describe the Dublin Core Meta data elements for describing information resources (10)
2.2 ‘UDC is considered a sophisticated indexing tool for documentation and information
services’ Justify.
3.1 Define ‘content development’. Discuss the W3C Guidelines for content
3.2 What is an Expert System? Explain its components and application in IR. (10)
4.1 Explain the features of different information retrieval systems. (10)
4.2 State the different types of information retrieval models. Discuss any two models
based on theories and tools.
5.0 Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Other Performance Measures of IR Systems
(b) ISBD (ER)
(c) Applications of UNICODE
(d) Future Trends in Information Retrieval
MLII-103: Fundamentals of Information Communication Technologies
Tutor Marked Assignment
Course Code:MLII-103
Coverage: Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul. 2023-Jan. 2024
Units:1-14 Total Marks: 50
Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1.1 What is storage technology? Describe different types of storages in detail. (10)
1.2 What do you mean by programming? Describe Program Development Life
Cycle in detail.
2.1 What do you mean by communication system? Write a note on communication
2.2 Discuss ISO-OSI Reference Architecture in details.
3.1 What do you mean by non-print media? Discuss its various categories and
applications in detail.
3.2 Explain factors responsible for pricing of e-books and e-journals.
4.1 Define networking. Explain different characteristics of a Library and
Information Networks.
4.2 What are data networks? Explain various types of data networks in India.
5.0 Write short notes on any two of the following: (10)
a)Digital Versatile Disc (DVD)
b)Editing and Proofreading
c)Network Operating System
d)Signal and Noise
e)Voice/Speech Input
MLII-104: Information Communication Technologies – Applications
Tutor Marked Assignment
Coverage: Course Code: MLII-104
Units: 1-16 Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.2023-Jan.2024
Total Marks: 50
Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1.1 What do you mean by database management system (DBMS)? Discuss
functions and components of a database management system (DBMS).
1.2 Define the term “Information retrieval”. Discuss the current trends in
information retrieval.
2.1 What do you mean by Library Automation? Write down the major activities of
computerised acquisition subsystem.
2.2 Describe the steps involved in the process of scanning a document using a
flatbed scanner.
3.1 What is Document delivery service? Explain the advantages of electronic
document delivery service (EDDS).
3.2 What do you mean by Digital reference service? Discuss its benefits to the
4.1 Explain the numerous ways to access the Internet. What is the most popular
way to access the Internet?
4.2 Define Search engine. How do they different from Meta search engines?
5.0 Write short notes on any two of the following: (10)
a) Proximity Operators
b) Bibliographic database
c) Koha
e)Client-Server Architecture
MLIE-101: Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials
Tutor Marked Assignment
Course Code: MLIE-101
Coverage: Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.2023-Jan.2024
Units: 1-16 Total Marks: 50
Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1.1 Define preservation. Discuss various types of preservation measures are being
used for preserving of library materials.
1.2 Discuss evolution of writing materials in detail.
2.1 Discuss the various environmental factors causing the physical deterioration. (10)
2.2 What exactly do you mean by “non-book materials”? Explain the fundamental
considerations for the preservation of non-book materials.
3.1 Define the term ‘disaster’. Discuss the various steps required for disaster
planning preparation.
3.2 Discuss in depth the binding of various types of library materials.
4.1 What do you mean by the term “digitisation”? Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of digitisation.
4.2 Discuss some common materials required for repairing of books in the library.
5.0 Write short notes on any two of the following: (10)
a) Microfilming
b) Fumigation
c) Stone and metal
d) Sticky tape and sticky shed
e) Project Gutenberg
Coverage: Course Code: MLIE-102
Course: Research Methodology Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.23-Jan.24
Blocks: 1 to 4
Units: 1 to 18 Total Marks: 50
Note: Answer all questions.
1.1 Discuss the general characteristics of modern research. What are the criteria to be
considered for selection of research topic?
1.2 Discuss the different approaches to research. Explain with examples how these
approaches can be applied to LIS research?
2.1 Define and explain the term ‘hypothesis’, and describe its usefulness in conducting
2.2 Describe the sources used in historical research. Discuss two examples for historical
research in library and information science.
3.1 Describe the different types of experimental research designs. Explain the
advantages, disadvantages and limitations of experimental method of research.
3.2 What are the different types of questionnaires? Discuss the types of questions and
format for a questionnaire.
4.1 What do you understand by a research plan? Discuss the structure of a research
4.2 What do you mean by a ‘case study’? Explain the steps involved in designing a case
study to solve a research problem.
5.1 Write short notes on any three of the following (in about 300 words each):
(a) Conceptual framework of research
(b) Census Vs Sample Survey
(c) Types of interview
(d) Steps in planning an experimental research
(e) Action research
MLIE-103: Academic Library System
Tutor marked Assignment
Course Code: MLIE-103
Coverage: Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.2023-Jan.2024
Units: 1-14 Total Marks: 50
Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1.1 “University library system is established to strive for fulfillment of the ideas and
objectives of the university”. Elaborate the statement.
1.2 Discuss the circumstances that justify library to levy charges for services
offered by it.
2.1 Discuss the role of the library authorities in the efficient functioning of an
academic library.
2.2 Describe the different categories of staff and their job responsibilities in a
university library. Discuss the types of skills required in IT environment.
3.1 Discuss the role of international agencies involved in imparting continuing
education programmes to LIS professionals.
3.2 Discuss the various aspects of staff development that contribute to their better
4.1 Discuss the guiding principles for a collection development policy for a
university library.
4.2 What do you understand by resource sharing? Explain why and how it is
important for an academic library?
5.0 Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Weeding out policy in Academic libraries
(b) Problems in shelf arrangement of documents
(c) Career advancement
(d) Storage and care of library materials
MLIE-104: Technical Writing
Tutor Marked Assignment
Course Code: MLIE-104
Coverage: Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.2023-Jan.2024
Units: 1-14 Total Marks: 50
Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1.1 Distinguish between technical writing and creative writing. Explain the technical
writing skills for information professionals.
1.2 Physical production of a document involves three operations. Detail the
operations. Explain from your experience the role of information technology in
the operations.
2.1 Enumerate the characteristics of human language. Describe any five of them. (10)
2.2 What do you understand by reader analysis? Discuss writing situations in relation
of different target groups.
3.1 Explain the importance of language in technical writing. Describe the different
kinds of dialects and describe the differences between them.
3.2 Describe the steps involved in the writing process.
4.1 What is a review article? Explain its types, features and method of presentation. (10)
4.2 What roles visuals play in a technical document? Suggest a few illustrative
questions that would help deciding to use visuals in a technical communication.
5.1 Write short notes on any three of the following (in about 300 words each):
(a) Reader analysis
(b) Corporate writing
(c) Oral presentation
(d) Creativity
(e) Peer review
MLIE-105: Informetrics and Scientometrics
Tutor Marked Assignment
Course Code: MLIE-105
Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.202-Jan.2024
Coverage:Units:1-18 TotalMarks:50
Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1.1 What do you mean by measurement? Discuss different types of measurement scales. (10)
1.2 Discuss the term “Bibliometrics”. Describe the evolution of bibliometrics.
2.1 Define User studies. Explain various methods used for conducting of User studies. (10)
2.2 Explain different approaches used in data analysis through frequency distribution.
3.1 What do you understand by Indicators? Explain different types of literature-based indicators. (10)
3.2 What do you mean by mapping of science? Discuss co-word analysis.
4.1 Discuss the measures of central Tendency. (10)
4.2 Define factor analysis. Differentiate between cluster analysis and factor analysis.
5.0 Write short notes on any two of the following: (10)
a)Bradford’s Law
b)Reliability and Validity
c)Three attitudes toward information
e)Multiple regression
MLIE-106: Public Library System and Services
Tutor Marked Assignment
Course Code: MLIE-106
Coverage: Assignment Code: AST/TMA/Jul.2023-Jan.2024
Units: 1-17 Total Marks: 50
Note: Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1.1 Describe the different phases of origin and growth of public libraries in India. (10)
1.2 Make a comparative study of the different public library acts in India. (10)
2.1 List the different sections of a public library. Explain how these sections are organised in a public library. (10)
2.2 Discuss the measures used for performance evaluation of a public library. Describe the problems
associated with it.
3.1 Why is Human Resource Management (HRM) important for public libraries? Discuss the key activities of
3.2 Explain the need and objectives of public library networking. Discuss some of the recent trends in
networking of public libraries in India.
4.1 Briefly discuss the various points to be kept in mind while planning a public library building. (10)
4.2 Discuss the impact of information technology on the housekeeping activities of a public library. (10)
5.0 Write short notes on any three of the following (in about 300 words each):
a). UNESCO Public Library Manifesto (1994)
b). Role of NGOs in the development of public libraries
c). Community information services.
d). Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation.
priya chakradi –
nice design and add free assignment
Pradeep –
All the assignments are fully answered as per the question, very nice answers given to each question