Some important Questions of BLI 223


Some important questions of BLI 223: Organising and Managing Information

Some important questions of BLI 223: Organising and Managing Information


                                  PART – I 

Answer any four questions in about 500 words 

each :4×10=40

1. What do you understand by the term ‘Library. Classification’ ? Explain the use and importance of classification in a library. 

2. Briefly describe the concept of hospitality in array and chain. 

3. Explain the concept of a Bibliographic Record Format. Describe the structure and content of exchange formats.

4. What are the different stages of intellectual operations involved in the process of subject 

indexing ? How can the quality in subject 

indexing be maintained ? 

5. What is POPSI ? Briefly discuss the stages of formation of subject headings according to POPSI with suitable examples. 

6. Discuss the processes involved in the planning of knowledge organisation systems. 

7. Define library classification. State its different types., Explain its types based on ‘design methodology’. 

8. Explain the need and purpose of Common 

Communication Format (CCF). Discuss the 

structure of a record in CCF.

9. Differentiate between ‘subject cataloguing’ and subject indexing’. Describe the process of subject indexing. 

10. What are Knowledge Organisation Systems (KOS) ? Discuss their different types.

                                 PART – II 

Answer any six questions in about 250 words 

each : 6×5=30

1. Differentiate between knowledge classification and library classification. 

2. Discuss the characteristic features of the notation used in UDC and CC schemes. 

3. What is vocabulary control ? Explain its need and objectives. 

4. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of microform catalogue. 

5. Describe the rules for cataloguing of motion pictures and video recordings according to 

AACR-2R with suitable examples. 

6. Describe the concepts associated with Simple Knowledge Organisation System (SKOS). 

7. Discuss the complimentary nature of classification and cataloguing. 

8. Define ontology and describe its different types. 

9. Discuss the need and purpose of classification in a library. 

10. What is hospitality of a notational system ? 

Discuss how it is achieved. 

11. Define the terms library catalogue, an index and a shelf list. Differentiate between them. 

12. What are cartographic materials ? Discuss the rules for cataloguing such a material according to AACR-2R with an example. 

13. Discuss the problems of subject indexing. 

14. What is vocabulary control ? State its objectives and the methods used for it. 

15. Explain how different types of headings are 

handled in Sears list of subject headings. 

16. Differentiate between manual and computerised indexing. Describe the components of a computerised indexing system.

                                 PART III 

Write short notes on all of the following in about 200 words each. 10×2=20 

1. Differentiate between Knowledge classification and Library classification.

2. Canon of Coextensiveness.

3. Objectives of a Library Catalogue.

4. Symbiotic relation between Classification and Cataloguing.

5. Internal/local and exchange/interchange formats 

6. Kaiser’s Systematic Indexing 

7. Types of equivalence relationships in indexing 

8. Derived and Assigned indexing.

9. Elementary categories and modifiers in POPSI 

10. Item-entry and Term-entry systems in 

post-coordinate indexing

Other Important Questions

10 MARKS -500 words
1. Define library classification. Explain its uses in a library and information Centre.
2. Illustrate with examples the canons for formation of classes in the (Idea Plane/verbal plane
and notational plane).
3. What is MARC? Explain the structure of a MARC 21 record.
4. State the different types of non-book material (NBM). Discuss the constraints in using them
and problems in their cataloguing.
5. Explain with examples the principles and structure of the Sears List of Subject Headings
6. Explain the development and structure of International Standard Bibliographic Description
7. Explain the purpose of evaluating an indexing system. State the various evaluation criteria.
8. What is metadata? What are the metadata tools for cataloguing of networked resources?
9. Explain different methods of Web indexing.

1. . State with examples the canons for formation of chains of classes in the idea plane.
2. Explain the rules in AACR-2 for cataloguing of conference proceedings.
3. State the features of DDC
4. State the advantages of a dictionary catalogue.
5. Illustrate the various steps in POPSI indexing
6. State the original principles of subject indexing given by C. A. Cutter.
7. What is keywords indexing? Write the advantages of KWIC system.
8. Write an explanatory note on the FRBR.
9. What is an Ontology? Describe its various types.
10. Discuss the purpose and types of “See also” references in subject cataloguing.

Originally posted 2022-01-04 16:00:28.

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