Some Important Questions of BLI 221

Some Important Questions of BLI 221: LIBRARY, INFORMATION AND SOCIETY


Some important question of BLI-221 for Term End Examinations : 


1. Define a public library. Discuss in detail the role of public libraries in knowledge society. 

2. Enumerate five laws of library science. Discuss the implications of the first law. 

3. Make a comparative study of Karnataka and Kerala Public Libraries Act.

4. State the objectives of resource sharing. Describe various issues involved in its implementation. 

5. What do you mean by professional ethics ? 

Discuss the issues and problems in developing code of ethics for librarians. 

6. Discuss the role of UNESCO in promoting library and information activities in India.

7. Cultural perception of information society. 

8. Virtual libraries 

9. Right to information act 

10. Need for library legislation 

11. Objectives of DELNET 

12. Types of library and information networks 

13. LIS as a profession 

14. RRRLF Digital Library Initiative

15. Enumerate the different types of libraries. 

Discuss the functions and services of any two 


16. List the States in which library legislation has been passed yearwise. Discuss the provisions of Kerala State Public Libraries Act, 1989. 

17. Define a library and information network. 

Discuss its objectives and characteristics. 

18. State the characteristics of a profession. Discuss the contradicting views of authors justifying LIS as a profession and not a profession.

19. Describe the characteristics of a modern society and the role of libraries in it. 

20. What do you understand by 

de-institutionalisation of information services ? 

Discuss the provision of information services in de-institutionalised mode. 

21. Explain the need and components of library legislation. 

22. Explain the Right To Information (RTI) Act, 

2005. Discuss its utility in libraries. 

23. What is resource sharing ? Discuss its need and evolution. 

24. State the activities of a library and information network. Describe any three activities. 

25. Discuss the transformation of a librarian from a custodian of books to a digital librarian.  

26. What are the objectives of a library association ? Discuss the programmes and activities performed to achieve these objectives.

27. Economic perception of an information society 

28. Role of public libraries in a knowledge society 

29. Activities and products of an information 

analysis centre 

30. Main features of Maharashtra Public Libraries Act, 1967 

31. Provisions of Human Resources in library acts in India 

32. Activities and services of INFLIBNET 

33. ‘Question Point’, a cooperative virtual reference service provided by OCLC 

34. Services and activities of China Academic 

Library and Information System (CALIS) 

35. Differentiate between an occupation, a vocation and a profession 

36. ALA Code of Ethics


10 MARKS -500 words
1. Differentiate between digital library and virtual library. Discuss the services of a virtual library
2. Describe the need, objectives and importance of professional ethics in library profession.
3. Discuss the roles, functions and activities of library associations in India.
4. What do you understand by the term `Copyright’? Discuss the important features of `Copyright
Act, 1957′
5. Discuss the concept of ‘resource sharing’ in libraries, highlighting the issues involved in its
6. What is meant by “Right to Information”? How does the “Right to Information Act, 2008”
protect it?
7. What are special libraries? Explain their functions and the special nature of the services they
offer to the clientele.
8. Enumerate the types of information institutions. Describe the role of information institutions
in Knowledge-based economy (KBE).
9. Discuss the role of UGC in the development of library and information services in India.
10. 5 Laws of library
11. Public libraries Act (West Bengal Public Libraries Act, 1979.)
12. What are the different types of libraries? Discuss 10 the functions and services of the National
Library of India.
13. Enumerate the five laws of library science. Discuss 10 the implications of the second law.


1. Right to Information Act, 2005
2. Ethical Issues for LIS Professionals in Digital Era
4. Differentiate between Profession and Occupation
5. Data Centers
7. Referral centers and clearing houses
8. Intellectual Property Rights
10. Functions of IFLA
11. Hybrid library

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