UGCNET Library Science Syllabus 2024
Syllabi of UGC-NET (Applicable from June 2019 UGC-NET Onwards),You can download UGC NET Library and information Science Syllabus 2024 below
The UGC NET (National Eligibility Test) syllabus for Library Science comprises various topics such as library and information science, information sources, information retrieval, library management, and more.
It aims to assess the candidates’ knowledge and proficiency in the field. Specific subjects include library classification, cataloging, digital libraries, information technology, and research methodology. Aspirants should thoroughly study these areas to excel in the UGC NET Library Science exam.
UGCNET LIS Syllabus in English PDF
The UGC NET Library Science syllabus in English is comprehensive, encompassing key areas such as Information and Society, Library Management, Digital Libraries, Research Methodology, Information Technology, and more. It aims to evaluate candidates’ knowledge and proficiency in essential aspects of the field, preparing them for a successful examination.
UGCNET LIS Syllabus in Hindi
UGC NET Library Science का सिलेबस हिंदी में व्यापक है, जिसमें सूचना और समाज, पुस्तकालय प्रबंधन, डिजिटल पुस्तकालय, अनुसंधान विधि, सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी, और अन्य क्षेत्रों का महत्वपूर्ण आँशिक है। इसका उद्देश्य उम्मीदवारों के क्षेत्र की महत्वपूर्ण पहलुओं में ज्ञान और कौशल का मूल्यांकन करना है, जिससे वे सफल परीक्षा के लिए तैयार हो सकें।
Syllabi source: UGCNET