Some important Questions of BLI 222

Some important Questions of BLI 222: INFORMATION SOURCES AND SERVICES


Some important questions of BLI-222 : INFORMATION SOURCES AND SERVICES

  1. Discuss the Categorisation of information sources as given by Subramanyam. 

Short Ans: In Subramanyam, you can find several kinds of macro documents including preprints and journal articles. Normally, you can find different types of resources such as documentary, non-documentary, research oriented articles, published, unpublished, print and non-prints, conventional and non-conventional documents.


  1. What do you understand by secondary  periodicals ? Discuss its different types with  suitable examples. 

Short Ans: Secondary periodicals regularly scan the literature published in primary sources, select the relevant items, arrange them in helpful sequence and bring them to the notice of researchers at weekly, fortnightly or monthly intervals.


  1. Enumerate the various types of core information professionals. Explain how information generators and information compilers act as sources of information. 
  1. List the components of mass media. Explain with examples the kind of information generated by each of these components.
  1. Define the term ‘virtual reference service’. What are the advantages and limitations of offering such a service in a library ? 
  1. Define the concept of ‘user education. Describe the methods of conducting user education programmes in libraries. 
  1. Explain why there is a lack of unanimity in the categorisation of text books. 
  1. Explain the points to be covered in evaluating a reference book with regard to ‘format’. 
  1. Discuss why ministries of government are 

regarded as the authentic sources of primary data and information. 


  1. What are the negative influences of the 

information generated by mass media ? 


  1. Highlight the emerging trends in database services. 
  1. List the basic information literacy skills necessary for undergraduate and graduate students. 
  1. Discuss the shift in the scope and methodology of conducting user studies in an electronic environment. 
  1. Explain the concept of marketing mix in library and information centres. 
  1. Discuss the importance of institutions as sources of information. Describe the activities of academic institutions and learned societies.  
  1. Explain the need for literature search. Describe the steps of manual literature search services. 
  1. What is information literacy ? Describe its various models. 
  1. What do you understand by Web-based/ Internet-based library services ? Describe them in detail.
  1. What criteria will you adopt to evaluate a dictionary ? 
  1. Discuss the importance of standards as primary sources of information. 
  1. What do you understand by ‘Technological  Gatekeepers’ ? 
  1. Discuss the negative influences of mass media. 
  1. Differentiate between reference and information service. 
  1. Describe the importance of virtual reference service in present society. 
  1. Define information literacy and discuss its need. 
  1. Define user studies and describe the steps  involved in its planning.
  1. Methods of User Education Programme

  Short Ans: User educationmethods and levels of user education is the program that equips library users with skills to access, evaluate information.

  1. Definition of Marketing 

Short Ans: Marketing refers to activities a company undertakes to promote the buying or selling of a product or service. Marketing includes advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers or other businesses. Some marketing is done by affiliates on behalf of a company.

  1. 7Ps of Marketing 

Short Ans: The 7Ps of marketing are – product, pricing, place, promotion, physical evidence, people, and processes. The 7 Ps make up the necessary marketing mix that a business must have to advertise a product or service.

  1. Compiler of Information 

Short Ans: a person who compiles information (as for reference purposes)

  1. PubMed Central (PMC) 

Short Ans: PubMed® comprises more than 35 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.

  1. Multi-lingual Dictionary 
  2. Unpublished Sources 

Short Ans: Unpublished source of secondary data means data which need not be published. These records are maintained by the private firms, business enterprises, research works, scholars, etc.

  1. Indexing Periodicals 

Short Ans: A periodical index is a subject, author and keyword index to a selected list of periodicals; it’s the key to finding articles on a particular topic. If the index also summarizes the contents of an article, it is called an abstract.

  1. NICLAI 
  2. Document Delivery Service

Short Ans: Document Delivery Service (DDS) is actually concerned with the supply of documents to the users on demand, either in original or its copy in print or non-print form, irrespective of the location and form of the original.



10 MARKS -500 words
1. What do you understand by Web-based/ Internet-based library services? Describe in
2. What do you understand by anticipatory information services? Describe in detail
3. Define the term ‘virtual reference service’. What are the advantages and limitations of
offering such service in a library?
4. Define the concept of ‘user education’. Describe the methods of conducting user
education programmers in libraries.
5. Explain the concept of marketing mix in libraries and information centers.
6. Discuss the need for current awareness services. Discuss the characteristics and types of
services in this category.
7. Discuss the categorization of information sources as given by different experts.
8. Discuss how Information Technology (IT) helps in providing user education.
9. What are secondary periodicals? Discuss various types of secondary periodicals with
suitable examples.
10. Describe the need for literature search. Explain the steps of manual literature search

1. Describe the functions of a trade representative
2. Discuss the negative influences of the information generated by mass media.
3. Discuss the need for value-added information services.
4. Differentiate between reference and information services.
5. Explain the role of ‘Technological Gatekeepers’
6. Highlight the need for information use study.
7. Write a brief note on ‘Market Segmentation.
8. What are electronic databases? State briefly the development of online databases.
9. Distinguish between conventional and non – conventional documents.
10. Briefly describe an encyclopedia with suitable examples.

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