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IGNOU Exam Instructions December 2024

IGNOU Exam Instructions 2024

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Instructions to the candidates
Students appearing in the Term-End Examination December 2024 are informed to follow the following instructions.

1. Carrying of mobile phones, digital watches and other electronic gadgets are strictly prohibited inside the confidential room of the examination centre.

2. No candidate shall be admitted to the examination hall unless he or she presents the hall ticket issued to him/her or otherwise satisfies the centre superintendent as to his her eligibility
and identity. The hall ticket of all candidates should be verified during all sessions of the examination. All the candidates should carry with them the identity card issued by the university.

3. Every candidate shall take his her seat at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the examination.

4. No candidate shall be admitted into the examination Hall after 30 minutes have elapsed since the commencement of the examination.

5. No candidate shall be allowed to leave the examination hall before 60 minutes have elapsed since the commencement of the examination.

Unfair Means
No candidate shall use unfair means or indulge in disorderly conduct at or in connection with examinations. “Unfair means” includes one or more of the following acts of omission on the
part of candidates during examination period.

1. Any paper, book, note or any other unauthorized material which has relevance to the examination.

2. Mobile Phones, digital watch or any electronic gadget other than calculator, even in switch off mode, which can potentially be used for communication or copying.

3. Anything written or any other instrument or any kind of furniture or any other substa.nce which may have relevance to the examination concerned.

4. Anything written or signs made on the body of the candidate or his/her clothes/garment, handkerchief etc. which may have relevance to the examination concerned.

5. Anything written on the Question Paper/Hall Tick etc which may have relevance to the examination concerned.

6. Giving or receiving assistance in answering the question papers to or from any other candidate/person in the examination hall or outside during the examination hours.

7. Talking to another candidate or any unauthorized person inside or outside the examination room during the examination without the permission of the invigilating staff.

8. Intimidating or using obscene language or threatening, or use of violence against the invigilators or person on duty for the conduct of examinations or leaving the examination hall without the permission of invigilator or causing disturbances in any manner in the examination

9. Swallowing or attempting to swallow or destroying or attempting to destroy a note or paper, or any other material.

10. Mutual/Mass copying

11. Tearing pages off the answer scripts.

12. Smuggling-out, either blank or written, or smuggling-in of answer script.

13. Smuggling-in blank or written answer script and forging signature of the invigilator thereon.

14. Revealing identity in any form in the answer script by the candidate.

15. Not submitting the answer scripts to the invigilator after completion of the concerned examination.

16. Impersonating any candidate or getting impersonated by any person for taking the

17. Any other similar acts of commission and/or acts of omission which may be considered as unfair means by the competent authorities.

A candidate found using unfair means is liable for anyone or more of the following

• Expulsion from the examination hall.
• Cancellation of the examination of the entire semester/year for which s/he was a candidate.
• Debarring the candidate from appearing in the examinations of the particular Semester/year
for one year or more than one year as deemed fit by the competent authority.
• Any other punishments deemed suitable as per Ordinance of the University.

Source: Official Website

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